Minister: Rev. Cindy Randall

Music Director: William (Bill) Wallace Zufelt

Adminstrator: Mrs. Kathryn Silliker

Rev. Cindy Randall

Rev. Cindy has been sharing ministry with the good people of Humbervale United Church since October 2010. Prior to that she served two half-time pastoral charges, Matheson and Iroquois Falls, near Timmins, for six years. She prepared for ministry through the In Community Program for Ordination (ICPO) for four years, serving the two-point charge of Nipissing-Restoule, near North Bay, while at the same time earning a Master of Divinity degree from the University of Winnipeg.

Having entered ministry in middle age, her prior career was in legal publishing, preparing subject indexes for statutes and other legal materials. In addition to her M.Div., she holds an honours B.A. from Glendon College, and an LL.B. from Osgoode Law School, both of York University.

Rev. Cindy has an adult son in Kelowna, B.C. and an adult daughter in North Bay, On. She and her spouse Walt live in Toronto with their cat Charlie.

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